Creating a realistic budget is key to being able to pay all of your bills and having some money left over for fun. The idea is to make your budget as personalized as possible, leaving room to adapt as your life changes.
This is definitely the most important part of this entire process. Figuring out where you’re going to live, how much you can afford, and if you’re going to live alone or with a roommate is what will set the foundation for your move out plan.
Most apartments and landlords are going to do a credit check before they will approve you. Start building your credit right the right way, so you don't have to depend on a co-signer.
Move Out Plan Worksheet
Roommate Questionnaire
Your First Credit Card Flowchart
Comparing Credit Cards Guide
After teaching in hundreds of high school classrooms and seeing how unprepared seniors were for the real world, we noticed a massive gap in the level of financial education students receive compared to where the experts in the financial industry think they're at. Our mission is to bridge that gap.
The goal of creating this course is to help young adults create a plan to successfully move out on their own, while avoiding silly mistakes that result in having to move back in -- or worse -- getting into other financial trouble and damaging their credit.